Published November 15, 2018
Youth4Abolition™ is proud to launch our original series of videos entitled, “ This isn’t my story, but it could be…..”. These videos tell the stories of normal girls, ages 12-18, who survived the horrors of being sold by friends, family or strangers as part of commercial sex trafficking. What you will see are true-to-life stories, read and portrayed by Youth4Abolition™ volunteers. They are compilations of girls’ stories who, over the past 11 years, lived for a time at On Eagle’s Wings Hope House as they each worked through their recovery from the horrors of being trafficked.
Produced by our own marketing and digital media director, Mamie Neely, these stories are real. Youth4Abolition™ plans to have a series of 5 or more of these stories released over the next several months on our website. Please watch, comment, like, share and feel these stories. Check back often.